
Powersystems making mental health Priority No.1 in Electrical Engineering

June 22, 2021

Powersystems has become a Mates in Mind supporter. Mates in Mind is a registered UK charity raising awareness, addressing the stigma of poor mental health and promoting positive mental wellbeing across workplaces. They help to make sense of available options and support companies to address mental health within their workplace.

Mates in Mind is a programme delivered to the UK construction industry with the support of the Health in Construction Leadership Group. It has created a flexible and joined-up approach to break the silence and stigma surrounding mental health in society, in general and construction in particular.

The programme is being run in partnership with a number of industry representatives and mental health charities such as The British Safety Council and Mental Health First Aid (MHFA).

Mates in Mind promotes a culture of positive well-being and provides firms with a tiered training framework to build understanding, knowledge and confidence in tackling mental health throughout businesses.

According to Health and Safety Executive (HSE) figures, in the UK alone, there were workers suffering from work related stress, depression or anxiety (new or long-standing) in 2019/20, which resulted in around 38.8 million working days lost.

For the construction industry in particular, the negative impact of the global pandemic has added to an already pervasive mental health challenge within the sector. As reported by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the suicide rate among construction workers is already three times the national average for men, equating to more than two construction workers taking their own life every day.

Further industry data reports that:

  • 55% of construction workers have experienced mental health issues
  • 42% of construction workers are living with mental health issues at their current workplace
  • Construction deaths from suicide are also believed to be potentially 10x higher than that of fatal accidents at work.

This integral programme will ensure a consistent industry-wide approach to tackling the stigma around mental health within our industry.

Be a mate. Be the change.

Visit the Mates in Mind website for more information.

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Powersystems are powering the transition to a carbon free future

As a high voltage specialist electrical engineering company with over 46 years (1977-2023) experience Powersystems have grown by reputation to become a trusted force in the design, installation and commissioning of electrical infrastructure across the UK.

Celebrating 26 years as the first Lloyds National Electricity Registration Scheme ‘s accredited Independent Connection Provider (ICP), Powersystems are capable of delivering contestable grid connections at voltages up to 132 kV.

Since 2000, Powersystems have connected over 6 Gigawatts of renewable energy generation to the UK electricity grid, along with decarbonisation technology which includes; wind energy projects, solar, anaerobic digestion, hydroelectric, electrical vehicle infrastructure, short term operating reserve STOR, combined heat and power (CHP), Grid stability projects like rotating stabilisers,  and battery energy storage systems (BESS) as well as commercial industrial private wire networks.

Working with partners, delivering sustainable power solutions, proudly the Powersystems high voltage specialist team have connected 30% of all U.K. onshore wind farms.

At the core of the operation is a commitment to the highest values of health and safety, welfare, quality and the environment. Powersystems Integrated management systems are ISO accredited and their approach under their health and safety ‘Priority No.1’ brand is to aim for the best industry practice in all.

Powersystems UK Ltd. is an Employee-Owned Business and as such has a keen interest in the well-being of all its employees. They encourage and empower you to be imaginative, share great ideas and be involved in the success of the business.

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